What my kids are reading this week: Spring has Sprung!

Apr 29, 2019 | Kids Books | 0 comments


Finally!  After what seems like the longest winter (but it always seems that way right?), the birds are singing, there are buds on the trees and we haven’t had a snowstorm in four weeks.  I can put the boots and snow pants away!

These are some great books about spring to get your kids in the mood (if they aren’t already).

Spring is Here

by Will Hillenbrand

Children's Books - Spring is Here by Will Hillenbrand

Who doesn’t love an unlikely friendship between two animals?   This book is part of a series about this Bear and Mole and are just super cute.

I keep hearing the word ‘gentle’ about certain kids books and kids shows and I would categorize this as a gentle book.  Just a sweet, simple story about the arrival of spring for these two sleeping animals.  Mole tries his best to wake up Bear but nothing works – until he surprises him with a breakfast of pancakes and oatmeal.

Each time we read it, both my kids immediately want to bake muffins.  And go for a walk.

William Wakes Up

by Linda Ashman with pictures by Chuck Groenink

Children's Books - William Wakes Up by Linda Ashman

I was ridiculously excited to see this book at the library and basically shouted ‘hooray!’ after telling my kids to be quiet.  Whoops.  But I really love William’s Winter Nap so was thrilled that there is now a spring version.

William wakes up from his long winter’s nap and immediately starts to prepare for a very special guest.  Chipmunk gets up with him and comes to his help.  But there is so much to do and they need more help!  One by one the animals are woken up to help.  Except for the snoozing Racoon who only wakes up when the cake is ready.

I love this book because (a) it’s a good reminder one should always bake a celebratory cake and (b) I was able to use it as an example when my son refused to help clean up the other day.  Does he want to be like Racoon?  Remember how unfair it was that everyone else did the work?

Nothing like passive aggressive manipulation through kids books.

Spring for Sophie

by Yael Werber with pictures by Jen Hill

Children's Books - Spring for Sophie by Yael Werber

I love this deliciously illustrated book that starts in the depths of winter.  “When will spring be here?” Sophie keeps asking her mom.  Her mom tells her she has to listen for it – the first sign are the birds.

How much do us winter folk LOVE when we start hearing the birds again?  We go through all the senses to get to spring until finally Sophie can smell spring in the air.  Werber has perfectly captured all the steps it takes for spring to arrive.  And how S-L-O-W-L-Y it arrives.  After we read this, George opened the door to smell the air to see if he could smell spring coming.  I love when books inspire kids!

Hope you enjoy these picks! And as always,

Happy Reading,

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