
Hi, I’m Sarah!

I love to travel (with kids), I love to eat, I love to read, and I love to talk about it all. For some reason, my friends often listen or ask me questions about where to go and what to do.

So I decided to have it all down in one handy guide.

A Few Memories

Family Time at University of Toronto
Family Time Canoeing
Family Time in Brooklyn
Family Time at Royal Ontario Museum
Family Time in Italy

I’m Sarah – a-nearly-40 – Canadian mum of two (four if you include my mutt dogs), wife to the Engineer, friend, daughter and lover of everything pink, polka dots and stripy.

I’m a stay-at-home mom trying to navigate parenthood and sticking to my own pursuit of my goals and dreams. What I’m finding is that those goals and dreams have vastly changed from my twenties (obviously) and what worked before, no longer works now. A pretty common theme I’m discovering around my friends.

I love to travel (with kids), I love to eat, I love to read and I love to talk about it. And for some reason, my friends often listen. Or ask me questions about where to go and what to do. So I decided to have it all down in one handy guide.

My life is messy and chaotic but I always face it with a positive attitude. Full disclosure: I also suffer from anxiety and depression. I don’t want you to read this and think “Oh brother, a super happy peppy mom telling me what to do”. I struggle with either letting the anxiety take over or defying it and finding joy in the everyday (although this is sometimes difficult. There is nothing joyful about laundry).

My babies, George and Alice, make this possible. I love seeing the world through their eyes and have become:

Curious in Wonderland!

Curious in Wonderland

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© 2021 Curious in Wonderland

© 2021 Curious in Wonderland