Three Books of the Week: Funny Bone Books

Feb 25, 2019 | Kids Books | 0 comments

My son only wants to read funny books at the moment (a trend I gather that lasts through the teens until he is a moody university student annoying the people sitting at the next table by loudly talking about politics.  Ummm, no a group of U of T students did NOT inspired that last rant).

Anyways, here are three books that make him giggle.

The Little Pig, The Bicycle, and the Moon

by Pierette Dubé with pictures by Orbie

Children's Books - The Little Pig, The Bicycle, and the Moon by Pierette Dubé

My son really really loves this book.  It is pretty cute with a determined little pig named Rosie.  One day she spots an ugly animal (a little boy) riding a red bicycle.  She must ride this bicycle. Every night she tries her best but fails and each night a new animal tries to help her.

When she finally figures it out, the world is her oyster!  Or is it the moon?

Eat Pete!

by Michael Rex

Children's Books - Eat Pete! by Michael Rex

Pete is playing nicely when a monster comes to his window.  The monster wants to eat Pete.  But ends up playing cars, superheroes and blocks until he can’t handle it anymore and eats Pete!

But then he’s lonely.  So he spits up Pete and they continue to play.

Children's Books - That is Not a Good Idea! by Mo Willems

Mo Willems is the wizard of funny kids books. This one is incredible! It looks like a silent movie, it’s interactive (kids love this), and the bad guy gets what’s coming to him in a surprise twist.

Hope you enjoy these picks! And as always,

Happy Reading,

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