Three Books of the Week: Good Night for 3-7 Year Olds

Sep 5, 2018 | Kids Books | 0 comments


Say Good Night Like This

by Mary Murphy

Children's Books - Good Night Like This by Mary Murphy

We’ve enjoyed Murphy’s previous books like I Kissed the Baby and Say Hello Like This! which are repetitive without being annoying (bonus because I have to read them over and over to Alice).

In this book, we say good night to a different animal on each page.  Rabbits are “yawny and dozy. twitchy and cozy” while ducks are “tickly and feathery in any old weathery” and both snuggle down with their mamas and go to sleep.

Why I like it:

As I said, I enjoy Murphy’s writing.  This is a sweet good night story both my kids love and we’ve made it a permanent part of our collection.   Simple, bright illustrations mixed with repetitive language is perfect for your toddler.  Alice always says “shhhh, mama, bunny sweeeeeeeping.”


Good Night Owl

by Greg Pizzoli

Children's Books - Good Night Owl by Greg Pizzoli

In this book, Owl is just trying to go to sleep when he hears a squeaky noise.  He keeps having to get out of his bed to search for the noise and ends up taking apart his entire home until all that is left is himself, the stars above him, and a little mouse.

Why I like it:

I don’t know how to describe Pizzoli’s work but I read somewhere that he has writes cheerful entertainment with a touch of snark.  This is exactly it.   His stories aren’t sickly sweet – they are simple and full of humour. George loooooooves this book.  He always asks “why can’t he see the mouse?” and laughs hysterically.

Good Night, Bunny

by Lauren Thompson with pictures bu Stephanie Yue

Children's Books - Good Night Bunny by Lauren Thompson

Wow, I see my own theme unfolding before me.  The books I’ve chosen this week are all authors I really enjoy and these are all their newest bedtime stories.  I clearly need more sleep if I didn’t see that connection before!

Lauren Thompson has plenty of sweet books about animals and this is a great bedtime story.  A little bunny says goodnight to all her surroundings:  flickering fireflies, dainty, dozy daisies, cattails and moonlight glow.  And finally to all her family until she snuggles up tight with her own toy bunny for the night.

Why I like it

Alice loves bunnies and it’s just so adorable reading this book to her.  Every page:  bunneeeeeeeee!  I enjoy Thompson’s simple text and Yue has lovely illustrations that take you into the magical world around the bunny.  This read has inspired Alice to start saying good night to all her surroundings which is a new trick to getting her to sleep!

Hope you enjoy these picks! And as always,

Happy Reading,

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